Welcome to www.Jernbanemaerker.dk and www.julemaerker.dk.
Jernbanemaerker.dk and julemaerker.dk. is the place where you can find the railroad stamps, steamboat stamps and christmas seals your missing in your collection. I am a major collector of railroad stamps. Further more I collect steamboat stamps, faroe islandic shipmail stamps, danish christmas seals, private citymail stamps and other special and rare items. All the stamps are from my personal doubles collection, which i'm sure will be of interest to other collectors. Please feel free to order any individual stamps or full sheets/collections that you see here on the webpage.
Guide: Click "stamps" on the topmenu to get to a new page. On the left side of the new page there will be new menu, where you now can for excample click "Lollandsbanen", and that will again take you to a new page, where you can see all the railroad stamps, lines and full sheets availible from "lollandsbanen". if you wish to purchase anything just press the shoppingcart next to any of the items you wish to buy. when you have all the items you wish to purchase in your shoppincart, just press "send bestilling" and you will move to a new page where you fill in youor info: name, adress, email and phonenumber. then again click "send bestilling" and both you and I will recieve an email of the order. I will then send you a confirmation on the order along with the amount that you will deposite in my bank account. When the full amount is deposited into my account I will send the stamps, well protected, to you. @: If your not fully satisfied you can within 2 weeks return the stamps for a full refund (-shipping fees).
Trading of railroad stamps: I will trade railroad stamps in fullsheets, rolls, booklets and individual stamps. (trading sheets for sheets) and (trading of individual stamps, a minimum of 100 pieces for 100 pieces). I trade railroad stamps on full sheets, rolls, booklets and individual stamps, that i don't allready have on my webpage or in my collection.
All individual stamps, lines and full sheets of railroad stamps are in mint condition and have never been used. They are only from danish private railroads and are of the highest quality.
Under the menu heading "stamps" you will find all the individual stamps, lines and sheets i have for sale.
Peter Flemming Nissen
www.Jernbanemaerker.dk and www.julemaerker.dk.
Strynoe - Rudkoebing Faergefart almost complete collection steamship stamps incl. variants, is keen for the draft of the new steamship brand catalog. Duplicates available, possibly. swap / sale.
I have a lot of railway stamps mint and unused,
I can offer you:
130 different Danish railway stamps for Dkr 95.00 or euro 15.00
233 different Danish railway stamps for Dkr. 150.00 or euro 20.00
302 different Danish railway stamps for Dkr. 250.00 or euro 34.00
You can pay by PayPal
I hope this is something you can use.
This will apply to me if we can figure out a trade.
E-mail: Peter Flemming Nissen
Christmas Seal proofs, drafts, etc. little unusual Christmas seals, which do not occur as often. Swap Material / sales.
Hi everybody
Happy New Year to all railway stamps collector and steam ship, stamp collector uses of www.jernbanemaerker. Dk and and all is well in the future.
Many greetings. Peter Flemming Nissen.
I am selling a part of my rail and steamship stamp collection. I have found some better material sold to the highest acceptable bid.
If you are interested, send me an email. Sincerely, E-mail: Peter Flemming Nissen
20 Danish steamboat stamps in duplicates, are you interested? I want to sell or swap. Price Dkr. 200,00 / EURO 27,00
Send an email to Peter Flemming Nissen.
Railway stamps 510 different, a small sample of the collection of 510 railway stamps. Price Dkr. 475.00 / EURO 64,00
Railroad stamps / Freight stamps

In an envelope: Fine collection 302 different single stamps
In an envelope: Fine collection 302 different + Express adress cards Als (with Railroad stamp on the adress card)
In an envelope: Fine collection 510 different single stamps (Nice collection. A lot of great stamps)
Indstiksbog: Fine collection 686 different + 5 adress cards ( A great collection with many of the better stamps and with railroad stamps on the sdress cards)
In an envelope: Fine collection 201 different X 5 in a row = 1005 stamps
Railroad- and Steamboat stamps in sheets: 179 different sheets total. (A super nice collection with some of the better stamps)
Railroad stamps: 25 different sheets
Railroad stamps: 50 different sheets
Railroad stamps: 75 different sheets
Railroad stamps: 100 different sheets
Trial print / draft railroad stamps

Lollandsbanen: Single stamp |
Kr. |
250,00 |
Steamboat stamps / Freight stamps:

Dampskibsselskab Skjelskør: |
In sheets (60 stamps in every sheet) 5 stribe Single stamp
Kr. Kr. Kr. |
350,00 40,00 10,00
Horsens Dampskibsselskab A/S: |
In sheets Single stamp
Kr. Kr. |
650,00 25,00
Akieselskabet Nykjøbing Kystfart: |
5 stribe Single stamp
Kr. Kr. |
50,00 10,00
Baagø Færgen A/S: |
In sheets (10 stamps) 5 stribe single stamp |
Kr. Kr. Kr. |
150,00 50,00 10,00
Christmas stamps in sheets :

Denmark: 1951 on 1950 nice unfolded sheet (list price kr. 3800,00) |
Kr. |
650,00 |
Are you interested in purchasing some of the above mentioned stamps and/or collections please mail to jernbanemaerker.dk phone number: +45 2858 6798